“Return of the Snow Leopard” | 36″ x 58″ earth pigments, encaustic, oil on canvas Kimberly Webber 2016
I saw a commercial run by the World Wildlife Fund last night with the stark facts about the endangered snow leopards. It said that only 6500 leopards remain in the wild and ONE LEOPARD PER DAY IS BEING KILLED BY POACHERS. Humanity *MUST* wake up now and turn this around. We must address the short term solution of stopping the poaching and the longer term solution of wild leopard habitat protection and preservation. Ultimately, what motivates the people (poachers) who trap and kill endangered species is desperation for money. Stopping the illegal trades and demand for these wild animals’ bodies, body parts and skins and changing the consciousness is the key and helping shift the hearts of those compelled to consume and kill these iconic species. Helping the communities who live near these wild species habitats to have sustainable methods of income to support their families, possibly based on ecotourism and protecting the wildlife in the region, making the connection between conservation and prosperity. When we put our love, care and attention into these issues, nature responds quickly and efficiently with healing and regeneration. I would encourage you to share this video link and information; and to contribute to the WWF snow leopard program. I adopted a snow leopard with a monthly contribution. It is easy and affordable, less than 50 cents per day. Please, do not look away, please take action, share this information and pray for these magnificent creatures to thrive. We have the the chance to turn this around, but we must act now, for all of Earth’s species and ultimately, for humanity. Thank you. youtubesnowleopardswwf.com